Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Wage Gap Between Men & Women

is a Reality in  2014!

The second wave of feminism is described by Valenti as the time period between approximately 1960 and 1980 when women focused on issues concerning women working outside of the home, sex discrimination, and the wage gap. However, women are still paid less than men for the exact same positions.  

In December of 2013, Mary Barra, age 52, was made the first woman CEO of General Motors Car Company. She is also the first woman to be in charge of any carmaker around the world.  She has been with the company since 1980 and was previously senior vice president of global product development. She has many years more experience than her predecessor, Dan Akerson, who was only with the company since 2009 and never held a position of running a car company. 

So how is a person with more experience and better able to run a company compensated when promoted to become General Motor’s new CEO? Mary Barra will be paid $4.4 million in total compensation which is LESS THAN HALF of Dan Akerson’s compensation. And to make matters worse, Akerson will be paid $4.68 million as an outside senior adviser which is STILL MORE than Mary Barra’s compensation. 

Women on the average make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns and women in the top management positions in this country’s largest companies make less than 15 percent of men’s salaries. Women are still today treated as subsidiaries to men in the male dominated workforce. 

Website referenced:

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