Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Future of Feminism

What's next for Feminism?

“So what do we do now?” asks Jessica Valenti. “If we accept that it’s fine and dandy that not all women are feminists, it still doesn’t mean that we can allow ambivalence on the word for those who actually are feminists. We have to figure out a way to negotiate debunking feminist myths while making sure that we’re not watering down the mission of the movement. It’s not an easy task in front of us, but it is a necessary one” (Valenti).  

"It's time to stop talking about a "new wave" or the "next wave" and actually get down to work on women's rights. "We don't need another wave. We need a movement" (Berger). 

 "...Feminism is now stitched into all levels of political and public life, and our task is to continue this stitching, through gender mainstreaming and through a self-aware approach to intersectionality" (Walby).

 "Feminism isn't over and neither is feminist practice. 
* * * * * * * * * *
It's just about continuation" 

Women throughout the world today need Feminism

Valenti, Jessica. "You're a Feminist. Deal." In Berger, Melody. We Don't Need Another Wave: Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, 2006. 23-27
In Berger, Melody. We Don't Need Another Wave: Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, 2006. 23-27

Walby, Sylvia. The Future of Feminism. Retrieved from

Driggs, Janet Owen. (2013). How Can Feminism Transform the Future? Retrieved from

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