Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More Proof of Gender Discrimination in Wages Earned

Women earn less than men

Women hold more low minimum wage jobs than men

According to an article from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, in 2011 women made up over 62 percent of the minimum-wage workers which was more than 2.5 million women (Madland Bunker). Even more depressing is that more than 76 percent of these women are over 20 years old, as a matter of fact, 40 percent are over 30 years of age (Madland and Bunker).

Barbara Ehrenreich in 2000 discusses that women, especially women of color, are employed in a 'lower' kind of work such as household workers. This is confirmed in a 2012 article that states, "Female workers earning the minimum wage are also disproportionately workers of color. African American women were 15.8 percent of female workers making the minimum wage in 2011 compared to 12.3 percent of all employed workers. Similarly, Hispanic women were 16.5 percent of female minimum wage earners but were only 12.5 percent of employed workers" (Madland and Bunker).



Madland, David and Bunker, Nick. (2012). Women Are the Biggest Losers from Failure to Raise       Minimum Wage.  Center for American Progress Action Fund. Retrieved from  http://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/labor/news/2012/06/20/11682/women-are-the-biggest-losers-from-failure-to-raise-minimum-wage-2/

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