Monday, May 5, 2014

Reasons Why Women Need Feminism

One Woman’s Fight Against 
Gender Discrimination in the Workplace 

After seven years, Liane Tessier is still fighting in the courts on a gender discrimination case filed in 2007 with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Tessier has been both a firefighter and long-shore worker in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Tessier said that she was harassed and discriminated against based on her gender. After waiting five years for her case to be heard, it was dismissed. She filed for a judicial review and the Honourable Justice Arthur LeBlanc ordered the decision to dismiss be case be quashed and a new investigation was opened. The fight goes on....

Tessier stated, “Unfortunately gender discrimination/harassment within male dominated workplaces is all too familiar for many women across North America, who still face various forms of sexism and sexual harassment for no other reason than for being female." She continued, I am completely frustrated and overwhelmed with the lack of support and resources that are available for me as a women working within this type of workplace.”



Tessier, Liane. (2014). Judicial Review Update. Disappointing the Boys’ Club. Blog at Retrieved from

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