Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What is a Feminist?

What is a Feminist?

Anyone who believes in equality for all humans is a Feminist....

Here is what a feminist looks like:


Feminism is part of our world today, but someday, we will look back and laugh at how ignorant people were. 

From Mike Huckabee’s (former Republican presidential candidate) point of view, women don't need to depend on government for birth control. All they have to do is learn to control their burning desires.
Texas Republican Bill Zelder referred to Senator Wendy Davis as a "terrorist" because she filibustered an anti-choice bill in Congress.
U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin, regarding women getting pregnant from rape, said, "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down."
Statements that "Women shouldn't complain about forced transvaginal ultrasounds, because they have already had sex.
A Mexican archbishop, Fabio Martinex Castilla said, "Abortion is much more serious than the rape of children by priests."


Seltzer, Sarah. (2013). The 10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Abortion and Women's Rights. Rerieved from

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